Fall 2004 |
Analoguously to image manipulation, we can also do
sound manipulation with Mathematics and Mathematica. A piece of music is just a function f(t). Alternatively, given a function f, you can play it. Mathematica allows to do that with the command "Play".
for example, plays a 3000 Herz sound for a few seconds. |
A Scherzo of Chopin: a function f |
Mixture of the two pieces: the function (f+g)/2. |
Accordeon Musik. A function g. |
The mixture of the two sound pieces was obtained with the following Mathmematica
commands: (The Mathematica code is a bit more complicated then anticipated because
by building the song vector (a list of sampled amplitudes), the left and right
sound channel are built differently).
a=Import["scherzo.wav"]; b=Import["wirke.wav"]; type=a[[1,2]]; n=Length[a[[1,1,1]]]; m=Length[b[[1,1,1]]]; nm=Min[n,m]; song={ Table[(a[[1,1,1,k]]+b[[1,1,1,k]])/2,{k,nm}], Table[(a[[1,1,2,k]]+b[[1,1,2,k]])/2,{k,nm}] }; c=Sound[SampledSoundList[song,type]]; Export["mix.wav",c,"WAV"]Here are the files: you first have to convert the mp3 into .wav files. We did not include the .wav files due to size. You can convert it easily. in linux for example, type at the commandline mpg123 -w scherzo.wav scherzo.mp3 mpg123 -w wirke.wav wirke.mp3The conversion from .wav to .mp3 is done in linux with lame mix.wavFor Macs or PC's you can do the conversion using standard sound manipulation programs. |
An other example: we take a function f(t) and apply the
linear transformation T(f)(t) = f(-t). Lets do that with the Scherzo:
a=Import["scherzo.wav"]; type=a[[1,2]]; n=Length[a[[1,1,1]]]; song={ Table[a[[1,1,1,n-k]]/2,{k,0,n-1}], Table[a[[1,1,2,n-k]]/2,{k,0,n-1}] }; c=Sound[SampledSoundList[song,type]]; Export["scherzo_reversed.wav",c,"WAV"]Here are the files: |
An other example: we take a function f(t) and apply a
linear transformation T(f)(t) = f(g(t)). Lets do that with an Enya song
a=Import["adiemus.wav"]; type=a[[1,2]]; n=Length[a[[1,1,1]]]; song={ Table[a[[1,1,1,Floor[k+(n/10) Sin[Pi*k/n]] ]]/2,{k,0,n-1}], Table[a[[1,1,2,Floor[k+(n/10) Sin[Pi*k/n]] ]]/2,{k,0,n-1}] }; c=Sound[SampledSoundList[song,type]]; Export["rap.wav",c,"WAV"]Here are the files: |
More details in the Fourier exhibit).
PlaySong[hull_,tune_,name_,ground_]:=Module[{}, u=ToCharacterCode[name]; soundfilename=FromCharacterCode[Join[u,{46,119,97,118}]]; scale[n_]:=ground*2^(n/12); beatlength=1/5; songlength=Length[tune]*beatlength; frequency[x_]:=tune[[1+Floor[x/beatlength]]]; song[t_]:=hull[scale[frequency[t]]*t]; P=Play[song[t],{t,0,songlength}]; Export[soundfilename,P,"WAV"]; ] t1={0,0,4,4,7,7,5,4,2,2,0,4,7,4,0,0,0,0,0,2,0}; f1[x_]:=Sin[x]; n1="sin"; g1=2000; PlaySong[f1,t1,n1,g1] |